Regenerative medicine: Strategies and therapeutic applications

Dans la suite du Master Biologie Santé, le Master Ingénierie de la santé débutera à la rentrée universitaire 2024-2025.

Regenerative medicine: Strategies and therapeutic applications
Master Ingénierie de la santéParcours Biomatériaux et bio-ingénierie pour la santé

Credits3 crédits


Basic concepts and innovative regenerative strategies. All presented concepts will be contextualized in clinical situations. The description of the treatment needs and of the limits of actual therapeutics will be described and innovative strategies with potential application at short-term will be presented. Tutorials will include discussion of scientific papers related to regenerative medicine in the context of several tissues, organs and diseases.

Compétences visées

Knowledge of the main regenerative strategies, from the development of scaffold (membrane, gels, …) to the use of specific drugs/compounds to promote wound healing and tissue regeneration.

Modalités d'organisation et de suivi

- 8 h teaching and 8 h tutorial sessions, encouraging multidisciplinary and cultural exchanges through the constitution of work groups.
- Teaching slides, including those from tutorials
- Invited lectures
- 7 h miniworkshop, encouraging development of experimental protocol
- Evaluation: oral examination


- Principles of regenerative medicine, Elsevier


Responsable(s) de l'enseignement

République française
Ce travail a bénéficié d'une aide de l'État gérée par l'Agence nationale de la recherche au titre de France 2030 portant la référence ANR-23-CMAS-0012.
France 2030
Agence régionale de santé
Région Grand Est
Fondation Force